SOME GOOD NEWS - John Krsaisnki launches a YouTube Show about staying positive

SOME GOOD NEWS – John Krsaisnki launches a YouTube Show about staying positive

A not so quiet place

Finally, a celebrity who understands that people don’t need to be sung to to understand what’s happening in the world. Krasinski and his Officer Co-Star Steve Carrel have a great way to uplift us!

The actor/director best known for his work on The Office as well as A Quiet Place, has created a new show. Aptly titled “Some Good News”, the show focuses on user dedicated stories about things that made them feel good or smile.

Sporting a newscaster jacket and his winning charisma, Krasinski’s debut episode may just be the tonic that we all need.

“For years now, I’ve been wondering, why is there not a news show dedicated entirely to good news? Well, desperately seeking my fix somewhere else, I reached out to all of you this week, asking — nay, begging — for some good news. And boy, did you deliver.”

If you thought that Krasinski was going to use this as a platform for a bunch of pandering or clout, then you’ll be pleasantly surprised. During his first episode his fans highlighted the nurses, healthcare workers and a cancer patient named Coco. Krasinski interviewed the young 15 year old Coco and called her his “newest and biggest hero”. 

Honestly, this man is something else. While you can argue that he just took the opportunity to find a niche during a crisis, he seems legitimately dedicated to this. He enjoyed hearing people’s stories and I smiled the whole way through. 

Some Good News may just be the best thing on the internet right now. With tons of reasons to recommend it and some genuinely moving news, it is the perfect remedy to a quarantine!