Yet another victim has fallen to the growing issues of working around the Coronavirus. This time around it is the Falcon and Winter Soldier TV show from Disney +. The Falcon and Winter Soldier shut down due to numerous concerns in the Prague shoot.
Focused on the exploits of the titular characters, portrayed by their movie actors Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. The show is set to be a thriller set in modern times but with that feeling of a cold war espionage spy thriller. Like, the MCU if they made a James Bond film.
Unfortunately, it seems that the release date is most likely going to be pushed back further due to COVID concerns. Earlier this week Disney made the formal announcement that they are canceling shoots until things are more under control.
Filming was meant to be in Prague and was only supposed to last a week, and then all staff were ordered back. The shoot has not been rescheduled according to sources.

Begs a few questions as to the Mouse’s priorities
Interestingly enough, despite the support that Disney is showing this shoot and validating concerns, they aren’t doing much else. They recently announced that films like Black Widow and Mulan will still release as planned. Despite numerous officials urging people to remain out of large gatherings so that they can contain COVID.
Begs the question, Disney might be succumbing to pressure, or they don’t want the risk. Whatever the case may be, we hope that the shoots and COVID are resolved soon.
As more and more events are cancelled, movies are delayed, the future remains unclear. Even though health officials are confident in the recovery rate for COVID victims, it hasn’t stopped it’s rampancy.
Recently E3, the massive gaming event, was cancelled for several reasons, listed among them was COVID. Prior to this we saw No Time to Die be delayed, then SxSW was cancelled.
Ultimately we will have to wait and see how things pan out for all affected parties.