Bogey down, I repeat, bogey down
Despite some initial scares when Paramount delayed A Quiet Place II indefinitely, we finally have some good news. While the release dates may be further back then we really wanted them to be, we do at least have some confirmed dates. Now, sadly, Top Gun is delayed as well.

A Quiet Place Part II was delayed back in mid March, and much to everyone’s dismay it was delayed indefinitely. Meaning there was no new release date marked for the anticipated sequel from John Krasinski.
Now, the new release date for the horror film is September 4th, so we’ll have to wait quite a few months for the film.
Sadly, this is a double edged sword for fans. As Paramount’s highly anticipated passion project sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, received similar treatment. Unfortunately it is getting pushed all the way back to December for its new release. Meaning fans will have to wait over 6 months for this sequel.
It would seem that No Time to Die got the jump on the industry as they delayed the film back to November in early March when COVID ramped up. Which, if I’ve learned one thing, if you want to know when things will peter out, look to the entertainment industry. So we may have some rather boring months ahead of us as we slowly start going back to normal.
So what do you make of Paramount’s decision to delay everything? Do you think that it is warranted or do you think that things are a little too hysterical? Be sure to follow us on social media and let us know what you think!