Typhoon Vongfong Causes Social Distancing Issues for 140,000 People

Typhoon Vongfong Causes Social Distancing Issues for 140,000 People

Among all of the requirements throughout Asia and the world for social distancing, nature rears an ugly head. Earlier this week, the island of Sumar off of Taiwan was struck by Typhoon Vongfong.

Due to the infrastructure and build of the houses in Sumar, people are being forced together in tiny houses. As rains and winds tear off roofing, paneling and flooding streets. Taiwan and the surrounding coastlines are seeing millions of people becoming affected by the storm.

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Now, over 140,000 people along the coasts are having to shelter together. Simultaneously, they are having to still observe social distancing rules which is causing its own host of problems.

At the time of writing, there have been no reported deaths due to Vongfong, at least none currently known about. However, in the past these typhoons have caused all sorts of drastic damage to buildings and landscapes. Including when they cascade into volcanoes and cause eruptions.

Hopefully the analysts are correct and we see Vongfong continue to downgrade as it expends itself. Right now the storm is mostly causing issues for quarantine centers and local authorities. Most houses are sustaining minor damages but keeping people physically apart is proving a challenge.

As we continue to try to flatten curves and begin soft reopenings, we need to remember times like these. We need to remember that we have strength together and help those in need.


For more updates on Vongfong, stay tuned here at Scoophash.
