WEINSTEIN IS CONVICTED - Sexual assaulter Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years

WEINSTEIN IS CONVICTED – Sexual assaulter Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years

Good riddance. After years of immunity and causing no end of emotional turmoil, the media mogul was found guilty on multiple counts of sexual harassment. Combined with his rape allegations/convictions, he will spend 23 years in jail.

Earlier today he was found officially guilty of multiple counts of sexual harassment and rape of at least one actor. Annabella Sciorra, an actor on the huge hit show “Sopranos” accused Weinstein of raping her in her apartment. 

Long running and dragging, this court case became a battle cry for the #MeToo movement and opened up Pandora’s Box. Many assumed that Weinstein was going to get off easy, especially when things turned in his favor when his lawyers requested only five years.

Fortunately, things were turned around on him again and his conviction officially came through and he was sentenced. The 67-year old media mogul will only be eligible for parole when he reaches the age of 90. 


Not all is well with this trial, more is to come

Sadly, not all is well with this conviction as Weinstein managed to escape the two largest charges against him. Being that of First-Degree Rap and Predatory Sexual Assault which would have landed him life in prison. 

Oddly enough, Weinstein pronounced not so much innocence as opposed to just trying to shift his guilt. He rambled on for some time, trying to shift focus away from his convictions.

“I had wonderful times with these people. I think men are confused about these issues. I’m worried about this country, lots of men like myself are the latest examples.”

Harvey Weinstein, 2020

Regardless your feelings on the entertainment industry, it will be a better place without Weinstein in it. Seeing there is no guarantee that he will live out his prison sentence, his lawyers already plan to appeal. 

We’ll have to wait and see if justice prevails, for the time being this is a win for the entertainment industry.
