4 Ways You can Stay Active Outdoors

Sheltering in place certainly put a kink on working out. Many of us have had to adjust to what working out at home is like, but if you need some fresh air, there’s some activities to be aware of.

You’d honestly be surprised how many different activities you can do in your own backyard or park!

Bodyweight Training

Honestly, you can count most any workout as a form of body weight training. Move things around your yard, take up lawn care hobbies or start doing some more intense forms of crossfit in your backyard.

You can also take on forms of pushups, sit ups, yoga and pullups. Anything that relies on pushing your physical weight around as much as possible.

Take up Pilates

Pilates have been a staple of exercise for quite a while, and that’s because they produce some great results!

Best part about Pilates and other cardio focused workouts is that doing it outdoors and getting fresh air in your system is the best combination for an improved immune system. It helps build core strength and burn fat all at once!

Create an Outdoors ‘Gym’

Take your imagination for a run and find ways to utilize your outdoors space as a semi-functional gym! Crete an obstacle course out of lawn work tools, invest in a trampoline etc.

Basically, let your inner child come out and get focused on creating something that you’ve never tried!

Go for a Run/Hike

Living in Colorado, this one is kind of taken for granted by a lot of people. Which is unfortunate because it’s one of the best ways to increase your immune system, build stamina, improve your cardiovascular system and see some sights!

Plus, running and having a stronger cardio system also helps to improve brain functionality and that’s never a bad thing!


for more healthy tips and tricks, keep it glued here at Scoophash!
