Health Professionals Say: Boost Your Brain Activity while At Home

Health Professionals Say: Boost Your Brain Activity while At Home

Staying mentally healthy is something that many of us can adhere to. It’s an extremely important aspect of life that many people do not actively try to do.

There have been several studies throughout the years in terms of what benefits we actually see from staying active, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, most people only really push themselves for mental/physical activity guidelines when they get older and start to see degeneration, despite that they should start earlier. Come on, there’s a reason that things like PE exist in all levels of education.

Actively taking part in things like exercise and different activities that are teaching your brain something new have been proven to help create new neuron paths. Which help to improve your brain functionality and health.

Age Figures Into all of This… A lot

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommend that different ages adopt different levels of activity. Beginning in age three, this is the earliest that the Department recommends beginning.

Three to five year olds should be active most of the day, expending as much energy and brain functionality as possible. Six to Seventeen year olds should push for a minimum of an hour a day for being physically active. They also recommend that teens and young adults try to workout three times a week if possible.

When it comes to adults, it’s much more vigorous and important. Things like running, hiking, yoga and physical cardio stimulation is paramount. How much time should you be pushing for? Well, minimum of 75 minutes every few days up to 300 minutes every week.

What are the Benefits?

Simply put, if you’re concerned about your immune system’s abilities to build antibodies and stay healthy, then this kind of activity is paramount. Working out is great, but improving your brain’s coordination and cardiovascular capabilities go hand-in-hand.

Actively pushing your brain to these intervals can also help decrease debilitating illnesses later in life. While it is not an exact science, it helps to stave off illnesses like dementia, alzheimers and strokes.

Being healthier is never a downside, even if you’re not worried about illnesses. Just having an improved cardiovascular and brain system is a huge benefit to staying happy and healthy!


For more articles and tips on stay healthy, stay tuned right here at Scoophash!


