Italy Considers Priorities - Anti EU sentiment is on the rise

Italy Considers Priorities – Anti EU sentiment is on the rise

While Italy got hit pretty hard by the Coronavirus, they now have the benefit of hindsight. As the curve flattens, they’re now looking forward. And the way forward has some pretty rough times as they consider priorities.

Immigration and EU consistency has been a staple of central Europe for quite a while. Now, with all the changes and concerns over the course of COVID, Italy is considering some rather drastic decisions. There’s always been anti-EU parties in Italy and abroad, but now that things are more concerning, they have ammunition.

Now, the debates are officially on.

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The Right-Wing political parties are now gaining steam. Not only because of their anti-immigration policies, but because they oppose taking loans to bolster the economy. Loans that the current Prime Minister of Italy is considering, among a lower GDP.

While it is an unfortunate turn of events that it took a crisis to start a political conversation, at least it is happening. Regardless of which side you fall on, political conversations are good to have, and contain vital arguments.

Here’s hoping that some good changes are made among the reopenings and debates, but we shall have to wait and see.

What do you make of Italy’s changing politics? Do you side with one group or another? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and let us know what you think!
