New York Times Allegedly Tried To Dox 400,000 Depp Supporters

New York Times Allegedly Tried To Dox 400,000 Depp Supporters

The court case involving Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have certainly hit some nerves as of late. Now, there’s a rather strange update that nobody seems to have really picked up on. This particular update shows that the New York Times may be involved in something a little deeper than face value.

Before we throw around words like ‘fact’ and ‘source’ there is a big grain of salt to take this news. Right now the only source that we could find on this was a few Reddit threads and a YouTube video.

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Which is where problem number one comes into play. The YouTube video in question is from the Channel The Quartering which has had its share of rocky information. There have been more than a few times where this channel has taken its information on hope and speculation.

All that being said, if the information presented by Jeremy from The Quartering and Reddit is accurate… Well, this is a really big piece of information that could come to bite NYT in the long run.

Ultimately, it’s up to interpretation whether or not this news is true or not.


For more updates on the Depp V Heard case and the NYT, stay tuned here at Scoophash!
