Robert Pattinson Describes Filming The Batman as ‘Difficult’

Turns Out, Filming Two Movies At Once is Annoying

Robert Pattinson is set to be the next incarnation of Batman, whether you like it or not. Lately details have been coming out in relative waves due to COVID shutting down the film’s production for a few weeks. That hasn’t stopped cast and crew from talking about it however. 

Cast has been especially vocal about the film’s development cycle. Andy Serkis, set to play Alfred Pennyworth, called the film ‘dark, brooding and different’. Colin Farrell, who is going to play Penguin, praised the script and screenplay.

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Director Matt Reeves has been no hype slouch either. Consistently showing off little teases here and there showing the tone and art direction of the film. And as all good director’s do, he’s been praising his crew as well for their dedication. Particularly, Robert Pattinson.

Not everything was sunshine and roses when Pattinson learned that he landed the role. At the time he was also actively working on Christopher Nolan’s upcoming film Tenet. Leading to a lot of unexpected crunch time and changes.

Two Movies? Two Problems

Pattinson learned that he was playing Batman the day of Tenet’s first official film day. So his schedule went from crazy and exciting to a little hectic.

I think I was doing the screen test, as well, on the Saturday before I started. We’d really gotten into a really good rhythm as well, so it’s kind of strange to be pausing. But, again, it’s a hard movie. I mean, obviously it’s Batman, so it’s kind of nice.”

Pausing the film is when The Batman had to go on an indefinite hiatus due to COVID shutting down studios. Hopefully filming starts back up again soon, as we’re very excited to see more about Matt Reeve’s The Batman!

Which is also to say that we’re hugely excited for the release of Tenet as well. Even if that happens in June or later down the road, that film looks astonishing. Especially when you have Nolan and crew blowing up a real life jumbo jet.

What do you make of Pattinson’s comments? Are you excited for Tenet or for The Batman? Let us know in the comments below!


For more updates on Tenet, The Batman and Robert Pattinson, stay tuned here at Scoophash!
