Tom Hanks Really Wants to Help Medical Workers

Tom Hanks Really Wants to Help Medical Workers

After being diagnosed with the novel Coronavirus a month or so back, Tom Hanks made a new update. Stating how he would like to put some renewed effort into assisting healthcare workers into developing a medication/vaccine.

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After recovering from the virus themselves, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have made a statement on how they want to help.

“A lot of the questions are what do we do now? Is there something we can do? And, in fact, we just found out that we do carry the antibodies. We have not only been approached, we have said, ‘Do you want our blood? Can we give plasma?”

Good on the Hanks for seeing the brighter side of things and trying to do something that could benefit all of us. Giving blood and plasma after recovering from the virus is paramount to developing a vaccine.

Because recovered patients carry antibodies, they are instrumental in understanding the process that COVID takes. Which means that the more they donate, within reason, the better our chances are at crafting a vaccine to fight the virus.

While it’s easy to see the dark side of things continuing to ramp up (more or less) Tom Hanks has been a bright spot. Reminding the world that there is always a silver lining and that we’ll get through this together!

Stay tuned here at Scoophash for more updates on the Hanks as they become available! Stay safe out there guys!
