Black Adam Coming to DC FanDome

The Man in Black

Dwayne Johnson dropped a surprise on fans that many of us thought we’d never live to see, Black Adam is finally getting a teaser trailer! After months of teases, social media reveals and comments by Dwayne Johnson. DC FanDome just keeps getting better and better with each passing day!

Earlier yesterday, Warner Bros/DC revealed the full guest list for the upcoming live event. With guests for The Batman film, Wonder Woman 1984 and now another legend is joining in. Dwayne Johnson posted a very short video of the DC FanDome trailer, and it teases the one and only Black Adam.

Johnson has been a longtime advocate for the film getting made and has been in the corner for the film for literal years at this point. Particularly over the last 6 months, Johnson has been extremely vocal about the upcoming film. Saying that Black Adam will be unlike anything the superhero genre has seen.

Boasting that Adam will be a threat to the entire Justice League and promising some truly epic fights/stakes. 

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Black Adam has proven that he’s a violent and controlling mastermind

If Johnson can maintain this hype and the potential teaser trailer at DC FanDome is any indication, we believe him.

Black Adam has long been a character that people wanted to see get a proper film introduction. The popular villain of the Shazam comics has never really been given a solid cinematic treatment outside of a short animated film. Nonetheless, his popularity has done nothing but increase ever since Dwayne Johnson managed to land the role for the character.

Inside of the comics, Black Adam is a force to be reckoned with. Having single-handedly defeated Shazam, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Supergirl, Wonder Woman and even the entire JLA at one point. He’s been a long running menace to the DC characters and even had a moment where he committed near genocide.

Numerous times Black Adam has proven that he’s a violent and controlling mastermind with the physical prowess to back his smack talk up. Having killed several characters throughout DC comic issues. 

Let’s Go Nuts

Now, we might be alone in this, but we’d love it if DC lets creators start taking things up a notch and go into more R-rated territory. While Black Adam may not be as referentially offensive as Deadpool, he’s extremely violent and menacing.

Maybe it’s just us, but the thought of a no holds barred R-rated Black Adam movie with Dwayne Johnson sounds like a match made in heaven. DC FanDome cannot come quickly enough for us!


For more news and updates on Black Adam, stay tuned with us here at Scoophash!
