Dwayne Johnson Gives Update - Black Adam begins filming this summer!

Dwayne Johnson Gives Update – Black Adam begins filming this summer!

While things may be up in the air for most of the entertainment industry, we are being projected to be back to relatively normal by May/August. If that’s the case, then comic book fans rejoice! Because Dwayne Johnson announced Black Adam’s Filming date!

In the light of the social distancing rules, fans have been worried that Black Adam would not see the light of day. Luckily, Dwayne Johnson has assuaged those fears!


“Black Adam we still plan on shooting probably at the end of summer now – probably pushed maybe into August, maybe September. So we will see, but I can’t wait for that. I have been training so hard for months and months and months and months for Black Adam. And that is a passion project for me, it’s a role that I hold dear in [my heart], and into my DNA. So I can’t wait.”

Dwayne Johnson Update

To the uninformed this might seem like some typical actor posturing to get fans excited for a project. But truth be told, Dwayne Johnson has been hyping and trying to get this movie made for years. How many years has he been advocating for this movie? An entire decade.

That is dedication for ya!


Black Adam is getting hyped up a lot for very good reason

This dude is insane…

The DCEU film has had its ups and downs, much like the DCEU itself. But things are finally starting to pick up some steam. Between Johnson’s confirmation of the shoot dates, to Snyder’s continued exploration of his Justice League cut and the success of Aquaman. There is plenty to be excited about as a DC fan.

Black Adam is set to be the next big chapter movement in the DCEU. After the losses of Justice League, WB went back to basics and is playing the team up movies pretty loosely. Black Adam is setting up to be the first big bad of the DCEU outside of Steppenwolf.

According to Dwayne Johnson’s bragging about the Black Adam character, we could see a Justice League movie tackle him as the villain. Even if Darkseid is the one behind it all.

Whenever it starts filming, we are more than ready to see it eventually get a trailer and come out! 

What do you think of Johnson’s plans? Do you think they’ll be able to continue pushing for a late summer shoot date or do you expect a new delay? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
