NASCAR racer and BLM activist Bubba Wallace has been the source of controversy lately

Donald Trump Bashes NASCAR and Insults Bubba Wallace

Some Call it a Win

After a shocking revelation that a noose was found in Wallace’s home, one person is really not buying it. Donald Trump, the current president of the United States, has questioned the findings found in Bubba Wallace’s home. Additionally questioning the removal/banning of the Confederate Flag from NASCAR stadiums.

Trump’s Tweet (because that’s how he communicates) was filled with vitriol and disbelief towards both Wallace and NASCAR. Claiming that the lower ratings has something to do with the banning of the Confederate Flag. While also calling out Bubba Wallace in the same sentence.

Bubba Wallace then responded in like manner, saying that love should trump hate. Even when that hate is coming directly from the President of the United States.

Hoax or Horrible Truth?

The noose in question was found in Wallace’s garage during a two week trial that he pushed for the removal of the Confederate Flag. Wanting it officially banned from the NASCAR stadiums and any and all support for it dropped. While it was no short decision, the higher ups did eventually agree with Wallace on that decision.

He’s not just a man pushing for the removal of racist icons, Bubba Wallace is also NASCAR’s only full time Black driver. He’s quickly become an icon and an inspiration to many for that success alone.

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Clearly a lot of his competition agrees. In the moments before his most recent race, all 39 drivers and pit crews pushed Wallace’s car to the front of the line. In a show of solidarity and support for Bubba Wallace and a true exceptional showing of sportsmanship.

Rewinding a little bit, the noose found in his garage has been the subject of some controversy since it was found. Investigations into the item determined that it did not belong to Wallace, so there was an assumption that it was a hate crime. Due to Wallace pushing for changes and removal of the Confederate Flag.

All the investigations into that, yielded no results. Which led the FBI to believe that it was not a hate crime. Unfortunately, that does not really clarify anything, so people now jumped to the assumption that it was a hoax.

Until that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, there’s no denying that it helped solidify the racers. In a sport that is so often dogged by stereotypes and poor representation, this is a win that NASCAR needed. And, the changes made are changes for the better, Bubba Wallace should be proud.


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