James Corden may be replacing Ellen Degeneres following the controversy

Ellen Degeneres Possibly Being Replaced Following Investigation

A Potential New Age

After the recurring news over the last two months of the workplace toxicity surrounding the Ellen Show, there’s been several updates.  Ellen Degeneres found herself at the center of the controversy as reports became more and more frequent.

Now, there’s a new rumor swirling among the reporters and gossipers that WarnerMedia may have a replacement in mind. Popular Late Night TV host and former Broadway star, James Corden, may be in line to replace the personality role.

How did we get here exactly? Well, a few months back, there was a mild concern and outrage surrounding the Ellen Degeneres Show after some things came to light. Despite being aware of the issues filming during a pandemic, Ellen made some bad decisions.

She built a second set at her multi-million dollar house and then hired a third party to come and film the show. Leaving her old crew in the dirt and ignoring the various complaints thrown her way following the revelation. WarnerMedia failed to follow up on the complaints and employees started to throw their vitriol at the personality.

most everyone assumed that nothing major was going to come of this

Eventually, just when everyone started to forget about it, there came a new report from former and current employees. Saying that not only did they fail to receive the promised hours before/after the hiring of the other crew, but that things were far worse than initially reported.

Several employees came forward with recordings and reports of high workplace toxicity, casual racism, misogyny and early terminations. All of which they said Ellen Degeneres turned a blind eye towards. At first, most everyone assumed that nothing major was going to come of this. Writing it off as another cancel-culture movement that would gain no ground and peter out.

Turns out, WarnerMedia disagreed on that and launched a full investigation into the show and Ellen herself. Almost immediately following this investigation becoming public, Ellen made a public apology to her crew members. And it seems that nobody really bought it, or that they just considered it to be too late.

Might Be Too Late

“On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness – no one would ever raise their voice, and everyone would be treated with respect. Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case. And for that, I am sorry.”

Back to the current day, James Corden has long been rumored to be a replacement for Ellen in either of the following scenarios: An unseen workplace issue that would be forcing her early retirement, or; simply wanting to move on. Strange that they had something in place for a workplace issue given what’s been revealed.

It would work out for everyone in the long term as well. Corden only signed on with CBS until 2022 and was explicit about not signing a non-compete with them. Meaning that if the late night star is completely available to do whatever he wants.

If Ellen does end up getting replaced, it would be a huge revelation and change of pace for TV show hosts everywhere.


For more news and updates on Ellen Degeneres and James Corden, stay tuned here at Scoophash!
