Trump Blasts Parasite Best Picture Win... Without Seeing the Movie...

Trump Blasts Parasite Best Picture Win… Without Seeing the Movie…

You just can’t make this stuff up anymore. At a rally in Colorado, Trump blasted quite a few different people, but the really odd choice was that of the film Parasite.

Parasite has won numerous awards and accolades including a Best Picture win from the Academy. It seems to be universally agreed upon that Parasite is an amazing film.

Trump disagrees apparently. In a staggering display of ignorance he said; “How bad were the Academy Awards this year?” Which to his credit, they were pretty bad.

“The winner… Is a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all about? Was it good? I don’t know.”

Truly, the voice of inspiration.

Parasite made film history by being the first foreign movie to ever win Best Picture.

What did you think of Trump’s comments? On point? Not so much? Be sure to leave us a comment and let us know what you thought!
