Universal Studios Changes it’s Tune – Reopening Soon

The Park is Open

Despite saying that they weren’t planning any reopening until closer to 2021, Universal is changing its stance. After the news that Disney was reopening the parks to a select group of people, Universal could not stand idly by.

Orange County and California have been pretty stringent on reopening guidelines, especially when it comes to entertainment.  But, seems that some theme parks are getting good treatment.

Starting on June 1st, Universal will open back up to employees to learn new procedures and techniques. Then, the following week, the park will open to VP customers, leaders and Season Pass holders. Effectively, on June 5th, as long as everything goes according to plan, the park will be reopened.

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Universal also said that they will be looking at ways to reopen the hotels, valet services and more. Meaning that if things go according to plan, Universal will have a massive profit surge over the next week.

While the California parks will be reopening in early June, the Florida Parks will most likely be opening sooner. Florida has been more proactive in reopening their public places. California has, as mentioned before, been more hesitant to make any economic promises.

Unfortunately, this also puts a lot of pressure on Universal. If this works, then it’ll be a flagpole success model to follow.

But, if the model is a complete failure, then Universal will become a problem child and fuel for closure fires.

One thing’s for sure, we really want an excuse to go back to Universal this summer. We’d love to see the reopening be a massive success so that we can get back to a moderate sense of normalcy.

What do you guys think  about Universal’s reopening? Let us know in the comments below!


For more reopening news, stay tuned here at Scoophash!
