BORIS JOHNSON MOVED TO ICU - UK Prime Minister's symptoms worsen

BORIS JOHNSON MOVED TO ICU – UK Prime Minister’s symptoms worsen

Fresh off the news that Boris Johnson found himself testing positive for COVID, the update is grim. Johnson has since been moved to Intensive Care and placed under treatment.

According to reports from his medical team, Johnson is receiving excellent care and is expected to recover. In the meantime, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is ordered to take over where necessary for Johnson.

This news is quite a change for Johnson, as he’s been extremely aggressive in stating that his was still hands on. He was still running everything and was simply self quarantining for a little while to get over the symptoms. 

However, with his condition having now worsened, time will tell how strongly affected the UK will be. Since the primary cause of death with COVID is contracting Pneumonia, as long as Johnosn receives proper care he should be just fine.

The tone for Coronavirus has truly been all over the place. Level headed politicians like Cuomo have done a good job assuaging fears. While some media outlets and trending topics have done nothing but instigate.  

Here in the US we’re currently riding the peak at this time. The curve is flattening as people take it more seriously and stay home more often, but we still have to ride out April before we see a massive decline. 

Hopefully things turn out well, with news of countries like China returning to a sense of relative normalcy, we should be on the way. We just have to knuckle down and do our best to stay strong. 
