Disney & Johnny Depp - They have NO Clue what to do

Disney & Johnny Depp – They have NO Clue what to do

Johnny Depp is in something of a bind when it comes to his movie career. While he still has offers and he’s seeing success, he’s also deeply embroiled in a lawsuit.

For the unaware, Johnny Depp has been in the middle of an abuse lawsuit with his ex wife Amber Heard. Towards the beginning of the controversy, Heard accused Depp of physical, emotional and verbal abuse. After her allegations, Depp was promptly dropped from his Pirates Contract with Disney Studios. Throwing the future of the franchise into doubt.
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Things took a little bit of a turn when Depp fired back at Heard, claiming that she was the abusive one. After proving that Heard faked some video evidence, the case officially began.

Over the course of the last few months Depp and Heard have brought in multiple witnesses and evidences. Multiple showcases that Heard was at the very least, unreliable and dishonest.

When the case progressed even further in Depp’s favor, fans began signing petitions to get him back into POTC. Now, Disney is left with a rather difficult choice to make, both professionally and legally.

Finally Have Some Updates From Jerry

Jerry Bruckheimer, the director behind the original 3 Pirates movies, said this in relation to the Depp fiasco.

“The one we’re developing right now, we’re not sure quite what Johnny’s role is going to be. So, we’re going to have to see.”

All in all, that’s a pretty safe answer. Right now things between Depp and Heard are pretty early on and divisive. There’s no shortage of people supporting both sides of the argument, which puts Bruckheimer in a weird place.

Until the case has a final verdict, Disney will most likely keep Depp at arm’s length. Fact of the matter is, Disney has a family friendly image to maintain. Which, when you’re stuck in a court case surrounding domestic abuse, you can’t really afford it.

Especially when Disney has been reporting losses of billions of dollars since the theme park closures. They are not in a place to get in the middle of another ongoing controversy.

Time will tell how Depp and Disney choose to approach the Pirates movies. Odds are, with things going the way they are, Depp will remain outside the films for a little while.


What do you think of the newest update from Disney and Bruckheimer? Do you agree with them or do you think Depp should immediately come back? Let us know in the comments below!


Stay tuned here at Scoophash for more updates!
