New Beauty and the Beast on Disney+? It seems to be so!

New Beauty and the Beast on Disney+? It seems to be so!

A tale as old as time

A surprise announcement came from Disney today, there’s going to be a prequel series for Beauty and the Beast. If this news surprises you, don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

However, if you were hoping to see more of Emma Watson as Bell, unfortunately you may have to temper expectations.

Beauty and the Beast’s prequel series will be focused on the adventures of Gaston and LeFou. The pair were some of the favorite characters in the original animated movie. As well as definitely a standout in the live action remake. Luke Evans and Josh Gad are reprising their roles as the characters. 

Considering that Beauty and the Beast was one of Disney’s most successful movies, it really isn’t that surprising that Disney is returning. The movie was a big hit with fans, and with original actors returning (with some exceptions obviously) this could be another hit for Diney+.

With Mulan coming out in a month, the live action remakes of Bambi as well as Lilo & Stitch, Disney has no show of slowing down yet. 

Many of the details surrounding the prequel series has yet to be determined or announced. When there are some updates we’ll be sure to let you know here!
