THOUSANDS of Gallons of Beer is Wasted in the Face of Pandemic

THOUSANDS of Gallons of Beer is Wasted in the Face of Pandemic

One of the unsung casualties is that of local and domestic breweries. Beer is slipping downwards throughout the world, resulting in gallons of wasted product.

To be clear, it’s not so much that people aren’t drinking, matter of fact liquor sales are super high right now. What’s being dumped is all of the kegs from bars that had to close down amidst the Coronavirus outbreak.

At a treatment plant in Portland Oregon, they’ve seen quite a large dosage of wasted beer. According to the Vice President of the treatment plant, between 15,000 and 20,000 gallons have been dumped.

You might be wondering why they don’t just sell it back to breweries or offer it to patrons as purchases for at home kegs. Well, there’s a pretty big reason why.

Were it so easy as just “resell it”

See, it isn’t so simple as  just having an over abundance of beer or a lack of demand. After all, it was being sent to a treatment plant, not redistributed. Meaning that the majority of the reasoning behind it is that there were causes of concern for infection or traces. Which is a massive problem when you’re considering potentially reselling it.

So we have thousands of gallons of beer that can potentially be harmful, that most pubs/bars probably won’t refund on. This news especially hits hard for states that have an abundance of local breweries. States like Oregon, Colorado or California in particular.

Hopefully there’s a solution in place or at the very least, they receive some level of compensation for it. As we prepare to start getting some things reopen, we have to stay vigilant on things like this.

What do you make of the brewery issue? Do you think that there is a valid concern or are you just sad to see so much wasted beer? Be sure to let us know in the comments below!
