Three executives leave the Ellen Show among an investigation

Three Producers for the Ellen Show Exit Amidst Investigations of Misconduct

Gone in 6 Months

Never a good look when people leave without notice following an investigation for abuse, racism and misogyny. After WernerMedia launched an investigation into some of the practices at the Ellen show, concerns were raised about it. What were they going to discover and would fans have to take back support for the host, Ellen Degeneres.

While Ellen herself seems to have evaded most of the backlash and controversy, that hasn’t really helped much. Considering that the catalyst for this whole investigation was Ellen failing to communicate and replacing her crew on a whim. Leading to her crew boycotting the show and demanding an investigation into the show’s long running BTS history of abuse and toxic behaviour.

Now, most recently, the investigation is still ongoing but hasn’t provided too many new details of what they’ve uncovered. Suspiciously though, three of the show’s top producers have officially turned tail and left the show suddenly. Doesn’t give the show a good look and supports the claims of producer abuse and misconduct.

Ellen was more than aware of what was going on behind the scenes

Ed Glavin, Kevin Leman and Jonathan Norman are officially no longer a part of the show and remained strangely silent on the whole thing. Glavin did speak up at one point about how Ellen was more than aware of what was going on behind the scenes. Accusing her of being just as guilty for her silence in the whole thing.

However, that has not stopped other celebrities from speaking up in defense of the popular show host. Actor and stand up comedian, Kevin Hart was adamant about Ellen’s innocence in the scandal. Her show DJ, tWitch also spoke up in defense of the host. Strangely though, tWitch was also promoted to executive pretty quickly after the scandal began, which brought its own share of questions.

Since this is an internal investigation, we just have to believe and accept whatever WernerMedia decides is the truth. That may sound annoying and suspicious to anyone, and it should be.  Usually, when an investigation is done internally, it usually betrays a level of company knowledge that existed beforehand. Sometimes it isn’t really about finding justice as it is just about damage control.

Now, is that what’s happening here? We do not believe so, no. Considering that if it was damage control, then they’ve done a very poor job of it seeing as the things that happened recently. Plus, it hurt the show pretty substantially among the common audience. So we do believe that it is about finding justice for the people that were affected.


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