With the news that Rocksteady is making a Suicide Squad Game, and WB Montreal Potentially working on a Court of...
The Man in Black Dwayne Johnson dropped a surprise on fans that many of us thought we’d never live to...
George Miller’s Justice League You’d be forgiven for not even knowing that Justice League: Mortal was a thing. The cancelled...
Joss Whedon Still Silent Wondering why Ray Fisher did not provide specific details? Turns out he has a pretty good...
The Snyder Cut version of Darkseid received a new fan art that shows what kind of terrifying presence the villain could have in the movie.
The Batman Returns Good news for fans of film, superheroes and in desperate need of some good news. After repeated...
Some new information has been shared about the divisive portrayal.
Lots of time on your hands and bored of all the documentaries being recommended? Well luckily for you, superhero movies...